Since 93% of the land in Minami-Aizu is covered with forests, the forestry industry has been flourishing in the region since ancient times. However, like other regions, it has been facing various problems, such as the recent slump in lumber prices and the lack of successors to the forestry industry due to depopulation, which has resulted in the devastation of the forests. In response, we have acquired forest certification (SGEC) and are taking various measures to increase the value of the forest, such as using leftover wood and making furniture and wooden toys as well as lumber.
Our efforts to produce essential oil also began with the hope of the local people to “enhance the value of satoyama” and the desire to produce Japanese essential oil for Jyuhachinichi.

Jyuhachinichi is a brand born from the desire to cherish “Japanese fragrances”.
The “essential oil making” project started with the hope of the local people to “enhance the value of satoyama” and our desire to produce Japanese essential oil. We believe that there is an infinite amount of scent resources buried in satoyama, and that being aware of their existence and taking action will lead us to “fragrance …… and beyond”.
The 18 Days of Fragrance Making does not end with the production of essential oils.
We are always thinking about how we can create a system to enhance the value of satoyama in Minami-Aizu and Japan by creating fragrances.

First of all, we have to make products that have value as products. Naturally, we believe that our products must be of the highest quality, which is why we place more importance on quality control than any other essential oil company, and we have put a lot of effort into establishing a system that allows us to produce high-quality products, including conducting our own component analysis.
The next most important thing is to get the word out to as many people as possible. No matter how high quality our products are, we cannot continue our business if only a few people know about them or if they do not sell. Therefore, as well as creating products, we are working to spread the word about fragrance-related activities in the Aizu region. When people smell the fragrance, they say, “I want to visit the forest! I want to visit the forest!” “I want to see where it grows!

Lastly, you must be able to sell your products at an appropriate price. For this, “high quality” and “PR” are very important. If the price is lower, we may be able to sell more. However, in order to contribute to the revitalization of the community and the forestry industry, it is very important to sell the products at an appropriate price.
As we grow our fragrance business, we will have many people involved. We believe that we cannot continue our business unless we create a system that will make all the people involved happy.
In order to continue this idea and contribute to the revitalization of the region, we would like to expand the 18 Days brand globally.

“Japanese fragrances are healing fragrances nurtured by the great nature of Japan. We believe that Japanese fragrances have the power to heal not only Japanese people but also people all over the world. We have been blessed by the nature of Aizu with wonderful fragrances. I am proud to have the mission to convey the value of these fragrances appropriately and widely.